Have you been struggling to resolve issues with specific people in your life to no avail or with little success?
Do you find yourself exhausted and depleted trying to heal heartbreaking situations with another person in your life? What you may be dealing with is a soul contract that needs to be re-written or ended. Allow me to explain... Before we are born, our soul and the souls of those we have known over many lifetimes make some agreements. These agreements are called soul contracts and they bind us together. Before we entered this present lifetime, our souls agreed that this is the perfect lifetime to learn a particular lesson or lessons and that we would use the experiences of this coming incarnation to mature on our spiritual path. We go through this process of planning out and agreeing to a sacred contract or contracts, often with multiple soul-mates in order to facilitate the lesson(s). The term soulmmates describe a very wide array of people. They can be family members, friends, enemies, “frenemies”, teachers, students and lovers, etc. But at the spiritual level, soul-mates are those selflessly benevolent souls that love us enough and whom we love enough to come back into our lifetime to help us grow. In fact, sometimes they love us so much that they are willing to play a role in our lives that may be very difficult for us or in turn we may even be the difficult one for them. It works both ways, but this is the crux of it, this does not mean we have an excuse to be a jerk to one another. In fact, our contract opens for us the opportunities to create a new dynamic within an old relationship style by rising above or growing beyond the need to be unkind. What is vital to understand and what makes soul contracts particularly hopeful, is that once we incarnate we still have control over the contracts we've made for this present life! With guidance It is possible to re-write these contracts, if they're not working out as well as we thought they would when we were in that place of higher consciousness agreeing to them. There is always, always, always free will involved. Free will is what gives our souls autonomy and it is vital to our soul's journey. As agreed upon we are presented with the opportunities that are aligned with our soul's purpose, but we make the decisions about how to act or behave and what paths we choose to follow. Simply because an opportunity comes to us does not mean we have to accept it. When an opportunity connected to our contract isn’t taken we will have more opportunities later to do so, The Universe never tires of giving us second chances. If we don’t learn a lesson or fulfill a part of our contract, our soul may choose to revisit it later in this lifetime or in our next life. By revisiting the contract, we can either choose to end a contract or renegotiate the terms. It is important to remember that although both the souls involved in the contract had agreed prior to rebirth on the terms, both souls must work out the nuances of the agreement for each other's greater good. Therefore, if one person is no longer serving the other's greater good, it may be time to re-write or end the contract. As an example, there is no reason what-so-ever, to remain in an abusive or toxic relationship simply because we believe we made a contract to do so prior to re-incarnating. In fact, rewriting or ending a contract may be exactly what we agreed to do, once we are face-to-face with that particular lesson. By walking away in peace the contract may be completed and there is no need to continue with that particular relationship in this lifetime or the next. It is important to note here that it is not possible to end a sacred contract with a family member or anyone else who is still actively in our lives. These types of family or close connection contracts can only be amended. If a family member or someone who was ‘like family’ has passed over that soul contract may be officially ended and released so you will never have to return with them in the next incarnation. When a soul contract is rewritten, our role, how we act and/or behavior within the relationship changes. For example: If we have a parent, or any other person in our life, who is overly critical or cruel to us and our innate response is to keep a stiff upper lip and take it without protecting or defending ourselves, that submissive role we find ourselves playing out is not serving our greater good and therefore needs to be rewritten so that we are able to stand within or take back our personal power. Unlike the human plane, rewriting our contract does not require both people to agree upon this new contract. It simply requires one person within the relationship to be willing to renegotiate the terms. This amendment is agreed upon at the soul level and at that benevolent level, both souls will readily agree to the new terms. If you feel you may need guidance in order to rewrite or bring an end to an unhealthy soul contract in your life, please feel free to contact me to discuss. 518-504-0190
![]() I am the blue sky and the stars that are around me. Ever constant even when cloud or day blind. I am the rising sun and the setting moon. I am the buds on the birch tree, standing tall before me and the disintegrating leaves beneath the snow, returning to the earth as soil. I am the color of the songbirds and their song and I am the black crow and her caw. I am the beauty I see for I am what I behold. I am the softness of the melting snow, surrendering into the gentle, trickling stream. I am the vastness and expansiveness of life unfolding. I know no boundaries nor limitations. In those times, when I forget what I am, I am gently reminded to simply open and look through the eyes of my heart and see all that I am. I observe and meet the beauty of what I see around and within me and with gratitude say, Ah! Yes! This is what I am . -Miriam 2018 As an energy healer, I remove dense energy from the energy field that surrounds each of us. I work mainly within the Andean Paqo tradition using a technique called Hucha Mikhuy. Hucha is the Andean Q'ero word for heavy, dense or incompatible energy. So the term literally means “eating or digesting dense energy.” This is done energetically through what the Q'ero call the spiritual stomach or Qosqo. The qosqo is the primary energy center in our body, according to the q'ero tradition. The area where paqos mediate the energy or kawsay.
The Paqos, who are priests and priestesses of the ancient Q'ero tribe, and descendants of the Inca; do not describe energy as negative or positive, good or bad. Its just dense or incompatible with our purer energy, which they call Sami. Sami, means a pure, more refined, closer to Source and perhaps best described as an effervescent-like energy! If you have awakened in the morning feeling as though you have several wet wool blankets on you- then you may have too much hucha. Too much dense energy can make it hard to make it through the day and it can be quite exhausting. Other signs of carrying too much hucha can include:
Other means of taking on hucha can be:
By using the Andean paqos hucha mikuy technique, I am able to clear the energy around you of hucha and return it to its purer state of sami. After which, just to name a few benefits, you will feel calmer, more peaceful, clearer and able to handle the challenges we all face in our daily lives with a more balanced state of being. If you feel as though this type of energy work would be a benefit to your well-being please feel free to contact me using the link below. https://www.wellspringenergyandspirit.com/contact.html Here's a link to some kind words others have said about their experience https://www.wellspringenergyandspirit.com/testimonials.html |
AuthorMiriam Danielle Allen Archives
June 2020
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Kind Words from Others/
Miriam is a truly gifted healer. The first time I worked with her, and every time since, I immediately felt safe and secure in her presence. Her senses and allies guide her to a deeper knowing of the individual she is working with and she works intuitively to shift the energetic patterning from there. She listens beyond words and sees beyond the physical body and through time. She reflects honestly and reminds each person of who they really are at their core. I have felt her work resonate powerfully within me and the ripple effects of positive shifts in my life as a result of returning to my own essence. I cannot express how grateful I feel to have had the opportunity to work with Miriam
Contact Miriam